Phase 2

•August 6, 2008 • Leave a Comment

Phase 2 was sadly foiled today. My lookout was sitting down on the job and sadly Target #3 (accompanied by Target #1) entered he premises and caught me in the act.

I was rigging his chair with the device from a music card to go off when it moved. It worked too, but sadly they found me as I was re-rigging it after testing. If only I hadn’t tested the plan……..

I picked a good song too – “Girl’s Just Wanna Have Fun”.

That’s ok. See what I am really trying to do is create a false sense of security and then when they least expect it……………..

OPP – Phase 1

•July 31, 2008 • 1 Comment

Today marked the start of Operation Pocky Payback.

It wasn’t easy trying to decide what to do to the boys. Many options were weighed, however I decided it would be best to start off with some pranks on the harmless side. Child’s play really. And something that wouldn’t incur Filipino wrath.

After some research (that means I have more blackmail material boys), I decided that Target #1 would get his truck plastered with Post-It notes and Target #2 would get his car saran wrapped and TPed.

Total materials used:

1600 Post-Its

200 sq. feet of saran wrap

one roll of toilet paper

Total time: about 30 minutes.

I should have moved my effing car though, they promptly dumped all this crap onto my car when they discovered my handiwork. Buts that’s OK. For the next phase (or is it phases?) that isn’t an option.

So who is the next target? What will the payback be? When will I strike? Only I know………

The Great Pocky Incident

•July 30, 2008 • Leave a Comment

The reason behind Operation Pocky Payback (OPP):

I fell for a practical joke. A big one. Yes, even I fall prey to them on occasion. I can admit it when I was “got” good.

It all began when I had to dismantle a Pocky display at work. I set some boxes aside for co-workers, as that was the original intention for the Pocky. I wasn’t supposed to do this, but I thought no big deal, and they have earned it. So being the nice person I am, I took a few boxes up to the top floor where the break room is located to distribute some. I told them to keep it on the DL, which was a stupid request. The crew up there is anything but discrete and any attempts to quiet them proved futile.

The excitement began when a co-worker called my boss to bitch about how he thought it wasn’t kosher that the Pocky was being shipped elsewhere when it was for employees. He then told her how I thought she was mad at me for distributing Pocky on the black market at work. I refused to take the phone, and he told her I was too scared to speak with her. He then hung up and told me she wished to see me. I then asked why he did that and his response: “Because I’m a dick”. I was mortified, terrified and petrified. Until he told me he was kidding – the jackass! I totally bought it, he had been speaking to another co-worker of course. My nerves were shot to hell by then; I had to go smoke a cigarette with him (seriously). I still made him escort me back to my desk before I could retreat to my Hiragana/Katakana class. And when I entered (15 minutes late) what did I see but a freaking box of Pocky on the conference room table taunting me, courtesy of one of the culprits.

So revenge has be earned and has been in the back of my mind for quite sometime. I believe now is the time to strike since I think they are not expecting it.  And so it begins.   Stay tuned for all the details, photos and maybe even videos.